“Your personality is totally unlike any other personality. It
is the sum of total of qualities ,emotions , characteristics, appearances, etc,
which distinguish us from all other people on earth”
Our personality cannot be defined in one word, nor with half
a dozen words , for it represents the sum total of all one’s characteristics⇆ ,good
and bad. This is what distinguishes you from others.
Your clothes form an important part of your personality ;
the way you wear them, the harmony of colours you select, etc. You facial
expression forms an important part of your personality . Your voice ,its pitch
,tone , volume and the language you use , because they mark you instantly once
you have spoken , as a person of refinement or the opposite.
Don’t give the shit importance to external appearance but
instead try to study someone through his
/her actions, thoughts and values.
A pleasing personality usually may be found in the person
who speaks gently and kindly , selecting refined words that do not offend, in a modest
tone of voice; who is unselfish and not only willing , but desirous of serving
others without any expectations ; who manages to converse without being drawn
into vulgar conversations or useless arguments on such debatable subjects as
religion and politics; who sees good and bad in people, but makes due
allowance for the latter ; who seeks neither to reform nor to reprimand others;
who smiles frequently and deeply; who loves music ; who sympathizes with all who
are in trouble and forgives acts of unkindness ; who earnestly strives to be
constructive in every thought and deed
indulged in; who encourages others for better achievement in their chosen line of
A pleasing personality is something that can be acquired by
anyone who has the determination to learn how to negotiate his or her way
through life without friction.
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