We are in a world of luxuries where we crib for petty things. There are people who are striving to save our nation every minute ,yes I am speaking about the great defence officers and soldiers!!Give them the administrative power instead of giving it to the stupid f***ing politicians who are not even eligible to speak about defence. This is not just my pain/agony  it's gentlemen cadets pain from IMA,IAF,INA...
Swami Vivekananda said:
What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel. We have wept long enough. No more weeping, but stand on your feet and be men. It is man-making theories that we want. It is man-making education all round that we want.
Our Indian defense brats are admiration to each one of us. The way they get trained transforms them into a rigid personality with utmost valor, courage. We are losing young and dynamic officers every month and yes the defense minister is someone who doesn't even know about Defence forces.

This is how Indian government treats its people .Absolutely their has to be transformation in these aspects in India!

Indian Army does not promise you a bed of roses, nor does it assure you of materialistic luxuries, yet the life it offers is unmatched. Having been closely associated with the Indian Army, and having a first-hand experience of the lifestyle, I can vouch that the experiences Indian Army, or for that matter, the Indian Defence Forces, offers are extraordinary. As a young officer, you get commissioned after long months of gruelling training, eager to take up challenges, and serve in some of the most remote areas of the country, places whose names the common man hasn't even heard of. Life there is hard, and you learn to live life carefree, knowing the uncertainties tomorrow offers. While there are tenures of hardships, there are more "relaxed" postings as well.
I mean come on guys!! Its Army  not a night club!! And the options apparently are engineering, doctor and US.
Not much of an option, are they? Pathetic!! It made me angry when I see our government is taking decisions  who doesn't have exposure to defence . I am more intellectually matured and know better how things work in defence. 
Hats off to those great martyrs who sacrificed their lives and sacrificing their lives for us!!!!!!JAI HIND:)


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