
Showing posts from September, 2020


1.Technology juxtaposition Today I was vouching through Netflix for a good documentary and I found “The social dilemma” documentary to be promising, relevant for this generation about how social media is making us get addicted to the feeds, ad’s, notifications, etc.. Consider this paradoxical question: since all tools are made by humans, must not all human-made tools express our humanity? Are tools and technologies inevitably humane because they’ve been made by humans, and thus are extensions of someone’s humanity? And so, bluntly, am I then also responsible for them despite my clear-eyed everyday sense that some innovations are humane while others are not?  The boundary between the human-made world and humans themselves is increasingly hard to draw.. Today, given the primacy of digital technology in mediating human experience, aren’t we species fundamentally shaped by personal technologies: past, present, future? So anticipation,foresight and understandin g ...