
Showing posts from August, 2019


"Na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrta tvamanasuh parena naked nihitam guhayam vibhrajate yadyatayo visanti" ---Neither by actions nor by progeny and wealth, but by renunciation alone is immortality attained. I dedicate this article to the defense families of India. Part I: Cute Anusha in Delhi Time to reminisce the memories of my childhood. Initial 12 years of my childhood was with mamma since papa was in defense forces. We definitely missed dad’s love, care. Every day I asked mamma when papa is coming back and she always avoided our question but used to say pretty soon, could witness the agony in answering us in mamma’s eyes. Unfortunately, “pretty soon” was once every six months as we realized that later. It’s not just my family but all the families, especially kids, experience the same situation but it’s more intense with defense families. Back in those days we did not have mobile phones with (forget about) skype or whatsapp, landlin...