“Your personality is totally unlike any other personality. It is the sum of total of qualities ,emotions , characteristics, appearances, etc, which distinguish us from all other people on earth” Our personality cannot be defin ed in one word, nor with half a dozen words , for it represents the sum total of all one’s characteristics⇆ ,good and bad. This is what distinguishes you from others. Your clothes form an important par t of your personality ; the way you wear them, the harmony of colours you select, etc. You facial expression forms an important part of your personality . Your voice ,its pitch ,tone , volume and the language you use , because they mark you instantly once you have spoken , as a person of refinement or the opposite. Don’t give the shit importance to external appearance but instead try to study someone through his /her actions, thoughts and values. A pleasing personality usually may be found in the person who speaks gently and kindly , selecting ...